



curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
php wp-cli.phar --info


chmod +x wp-cli.phar
mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp


wp --info
wp cli update


cd /usr/share/nginx/html/example.com/
wp search-replace --dry-run '.life' '.com'
[root@ip-172-31-15-164 example.com]# wp search-replace  --dry-run '.life' '.com'
PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $wp_embed in /usr/share/nginx/html/example.com/wp-content/themes/cocoon-master/lib/settings.php on line 372
Warning: Undefined variable $wp_embed in /usr/share/nginx/html/example.com/wp-content/themes/cocoon-master/lib/settings.php on line 372
| Table                      | Column                | Replacements | Type |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions | hook                  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions | status                | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions | args                  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions | schedule              | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_actionscheduler_actions | extended_args         | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_actionscheduler_groups  | slug                  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_actionscheduler_logs    | message               | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_commentmeta             | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_commentmeta             | meta_value            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_author        | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_author_email  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_author_url    | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_author_IP     | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_content       | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_approved      | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_agent         | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_comments                | comment_type          | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_url              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_name             | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_image            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_target           | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_description      | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_visible          | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_rel              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_notes            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_links                   | link_rss              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_options                 | option_name           | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_options                 | option_value          | 6            | PHP  |
| wp_options                 | autoload              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_postmeta                | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_postmeta                | meta_value            | 2            | PHP  |
| wp_posts                   | post_content          | 65           | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_title            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_excerpt          | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_status           | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | comment_status        | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | ping_status           | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_password         | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_name             | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | to_ping               | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | pinged                | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_content_filtered | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | guid                  | 54924        | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_type             | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_posts                   | post_mime_type        | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_term_taxonomy           | taxonomy              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_term_taxonomy           | description           | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_termmeta                | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_termmeta                | meta_value            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_terms                   | name                  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_terms                   | slug                  | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_usermeta                | meta_key              | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_usermeta                | meta_value            | 0            | PHP  |
| wp_users                   | user_login            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_users                   | user_nicename         | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_users                   | user_email            | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_users                   | user_url              | 1            | SQL  |
| wp_users                   | user_activation_key   | 0            | SQL  |
| wp_users                   | display_name          | 0            | SQL  |
Success: 54998 replacements to be made.



Posted by mamu